

Phillips, Jon

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Digital access to this material is pending artist's approval. Materials may be viewed onsite at the Goldsen Archive, Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Kroch Library, Cornell University.

As an artist, I locate my art practice in building communities and connecting disparate relationships in virtual and physical spaces, on-line and off-line. In the past I attempted to create individual artworks and apply contemporary art-making practices and failed. While the Software Art and Net.Art movements encompassed some interesting content like, Carnivore, and the various projects, these movements are largely unknown outside of their immediate communities and rely primarily on the previous tradition of "sole authorship" that Howard Becker and Ed Hutchins disrupted in the 80s and 90s. Thus, I seek another model, FreelLibre and Open Source Software (FLOSS), a model that counters the current proprietary ideological software creation and distribution model where one has to purchase software upon each revision, to see how this approach, which works so well for distributed software ("source") development, could be applied to content development.


Recent Submissions

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    2006 Rockefeller New Media Foundation Proposal
    Phillips, Jon (2009-05-21T18:55:09Z)
    http://eventmap.rejon. org The goal of the Event Map project is to create an interactive map for people to find various events based upon specific search criteria such as time, location, and the type of event. Initially, this will be a simple web-based system for geographically locating events around the world and will evolve to include more intelligent systems for plotting "event patterns" to help coordinate and catalyze different interactions between people and events. For example, one could visit a brand new city such as Amsterdam, and use a web browser to access the Event Map to enter in one's present local address, current interests like food, new media and network, and time available from 7 - 10 PM. Then, one is presented with a visual map depicting the various events that fit this description within a default 10 square Kilometer radius. The final stage of this project will be to add a deeper peer review system so that individuals may help each other by reviewing specific events.